E-commerce Glossary

E-commerce Glossary

Apr 3, 2024

Bounce Rate (BR)

Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who only visit one page on your site (i.e., they leave the website directly from the landing page). Each page has its own bounce rate.


Sales for a period is the total sum of all orders, minus any returns and canceled orders that are known at the time of calculation.

Conversion Rate (CR)

Used to measure how often a goal is achieved, or what percentage of visitors take the actions you want, such as placing an order, signing up for a newsletter, or reading through a certain number of steps in a guide.

Customer Satisfaction (NPS – Net Promoter Score)

How satisfied a customer is with your company or product. To determine your NPS, you ask the question:
“How likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or colleague?”
The question is answered on an eleven-point scale from 0 to 10.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Customer lifetime value represents how much total profit you can expect to earn from a customer over the entire period they remain a customer. Instead of calculating each purchase individually, all purchases a customer makes are combined.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Key performance indicators are your most important metrics (such as sales, profitability, and inventory levels). These help you measure, compare, and assess the performance of your business and identify areas for improvement.

Popular Channels

Channels refer to the different sources of traffic to your site, such as social media, direct traffic, email, and referral links.


A session starts when a visitor arrives at your site and is typically active for 30 minutes.

Average Order Size (AOS)

The average value of orders in an e-commerce store.

Top Pages

The pages on your site that receive the most visitors.

Top Sellers

The products that sell the most.